"Meet the man behind a third of what's on Wikipedia" CBS article is wrong
A couple days ago my mother emailed me a link to this article : Already I had some major suspicions about the article just by looking at the headline. "A third of what's on Wikipedia"? What ?! It wasn't until I started seeing links to the article pop up elsewhere on the Internet that I decided to write a response to that email (yes, as you can see, I am an evil and ungrateful son that doesn't respond to half of his mother's emails). I wrote it in a jiffy without much editing or polish of any sort, so it may be rough around the edges, but I hope I got the point across. Here's what I wrote in the email: The article's title is very misleading. 3 million edits to Wikipedia is not the same as 3 million articles, and an edit is counted as whenever you make changes to an article and then click the "Publish changes" button. An "edit" on Wikipedia is considered a technical term and not one of work ethic or merit. It does not take...